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Superstars of STEM

Annelies Moens, Managing Director, Privcore

Superstars of STEM

Superstars of STEM

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I am delighted to be selected as one of Australia’s Superstars of STEM for 2021-2022. The Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews officially announced on 3 December 2020 those chosen for Science & Technology Australia’s game-changing Superstars of STEM program in 2021-22.

The program aims to raise the profile of 60 of Australia’s most dynamic women in science and technology, to create a national critical mass of strong, visible, relatable and public women who are role models in STEM. The Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources supports the program.


As a privacy expert, I have been able to leverage my computer science (as well as legal and business qualifications) to help business and government create and use technology and processes in ways that embed privacy as a core part of their operations.


Science & Technology Australia Chief Executive Officer Misha Schubert said: 

“The Superstars of STEM program sets out to smash stereotypes of what a scientist, technologist, engineer or mathematician look like – these powerful role models show girls that STEM is for them.”

“It’s hard to be what you can’t see,” she said. “Women are still seriously under-represented in STEM leadership roles.”

“We can’t thank the Australian Government enough for its strong support of this important program, which is already having a profound impact.”


“Sustaining this type of program for the long-term is more important than ever amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in the STEM workforce.” 

Media and Superstar of STEM engagements


Eliot Hastie from Ausbiz interviews Annelies about the Superstars of STEM program and privacy

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To mark International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Science Technology Australia (STA) asked its Superstars of STEM why they chose a career in STEM, what they love about it, and for a message to young women and girls about STEM careers. STA quoted Annelies Moens - a globally-recognised expert in data privacy – said she was inspired by her first computer.


“I had a technology-free childhood, but when I was 13 we got our first computer at home. So I took the opportunity to learn all about them. I had a great all-female computer science class all the way through high school, where we learnt about technology and computer programming,” she said.


“I loved the feedback and results-oriented nature of computing and working out what went wrong when something didn’t work as expected.”


I am delighted to have been selected by the Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources to provide mentoring to women owned and led startups, as part of the Boosting Female Founders Initiative. The Boosting Female Founders mentors help majority women owned and led businesses establish, grow and scale their startups and to achieve their business objectives.

Melissa Coade, Senior Journalist at the Mandarin writes on "Privacy risk assessments critical for handling sensitive data".

  • Fraser College, Hervey Bay invites Annelies Moens and fellow Superstars of STEM, Alexandra Campbell, Nicole White and Sonia Shah to present to Year 11 and 12 students about careers in science, 26 April 2022

  • The University of the Sunshine Coast hosted Annelies Moens, together with Superstar of STEM colleagues, Alex Campbell, a seaweed ecosystem expert, Sonia Shah. a cardiovascular disease and genetics expert, Hannah Power, an expert in climate ready crops and Nicole White, a health statistician to speak with high school students around Australia on our careers and areas of expertise, 17 August 2022

  • Women in Security Magazine published Annelies Moens' career journey in Issue 11 - November/December 2022  pp.16-17. Annelies says that "if you have an ability to question, challenge assumptions, think differently, understand different perspectives and to not always follow the herd, you are well on the way to creating your success and helping those around you succeed".

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